The Canadian Museums Association is the national organization for the advancement of the Canadian museum sector, representing Canadian museum professionals both within Canada and internationally. The CMA works for the recognition, growth, and stability of the sector. The CMA has nearly 2,000 members, and supports them with training and professional development programs, conferences, publications, networking opportunities, a body of knowledge, and a dedicated staff. The CMA works closely with these organizations, and many others to further the collective interests of the arts, culture and heritage sectors.

The Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries is a Chinese non-governmental organization in special consultative status with the United Nations. Its purpose is the promotion of friendship and mutual understanding between the Chinese people and other peoples throughout the world. Representing the Chinese people, it makes contacts and promotes exchanges with friendly organizations and people all over the globe. Working in collaboration with us is The Ministry of Culture, China, which is responsible for policies on all matters related to arts and culture in China.